Title | Date | Type | Category | Views |
Bulding Blocks Who Are We? | Dr. Hatem al-Haj | 03-23-2016 | Video | Community, Da'wah, Da'wah & 'Ilm (knowledge), Knowledge, Living Islam | 627 views |
Discussion on Balance by Shaikh Hatem al-Haj and Shaikh Mamdouh Mahmoud | 03-23-2016 | Video | Da'wah & 'Ilm (knowledge), Tazkiyah | 827 views |
Dr Hatem al Haj | Perfect Balance | 03-23-2016 | Video | Da'wah & 'Ilm (knowledge), Tazkiyah | 617 views |
Positive Concern | Khutba by Dr. Hatem al Haj | 03-23-2016 | Video | Khutbah (Sermon) | 494 views |
40 Ahadith Nawawi Explanation | 10-25-2014 | Dr Hatem Elhagaly, Video | Sunnah | 539 views |
Repentance | 07-05-2014 | Video | Home | 199 views |
Escaping Satan’s Snare: Temptations and Desires 1 | 07-05-2014 | Video | Home | 222 views |
(Q&A) Escaping Satan’s Snare: Temptations and Desires | 07-05-2014 | Video | Home | 165 views |
Midweek Halaqa Special – Aqeedah Edition | 06-26-2014 | Video | Aqeedah (Belief) | 217 views |
Escaping Satan’s Snare: Temptations and Desires 2 | 06-26-2014 | Video | Home | 164 views |